
Street Photography

FIFA 2023

The Matilda's are the Australian women's soccer team. In 2023, they represented Australia in the FIFA finals and saw enormous success.
During the Semi-Finals, The Matilda's VS England, the entire country was on the edge of their seats.
The National Library of Australia contracted me to go out in rural NSW areas and document the hype and excitement the community has expressed.
The towns specifically focused on were Cowra and Grenfell. Matilda Ellie Carpenter grew up in Cowra, and Clare Hunt still lived in Grenfell with her family.
Below is a small selection of the final gallery delivered to the National Library of Australia.

2023 Australian Indigenous Voice and Rural NSW's Response - National Library of Australia.

The 2023 Australian Indigenous Voice referendum was held on 14 October 2023. The referendum asked voters to approve an alteration to the Australian Constitution that would recognise Indigenous Australians in the document through prescribing a body called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.
The concept created a lot of diverse opinions.
The National Library of Australia contracted me to travel through rural NSW and document the ways the communities have been sharing their opinion.

Sydney Rally for Ukraine

A collection of photographs taken at Martin Place, Sydney, during a rally following the events of the Russo-Ukrainian War. Feb 2022.

Lismore 2022 Floods Aftermath

In June 2022 Lismore, NSW and surrounding areas were flooded in what is called a 'once in 100 year natural disaster'.
In July 2022 I travelled up to the Northern Rivers and saw symbols of community, supporting flood victims littering the streets of Lismore and Wardell. These symbols of together-ness warmed my heart and I had to document what I saw.

2019 Bush Fires

During 2019 I was travelling down to Central NSW and came across much of the charred landscape from the 2019 bushfires. In particular the melted roadsign stood out as an embodiment of the all-encompassing nature of the fires.